Amish Furniture

Last Updated 12/16/2021

A brand new shipment of Amish made coat trees have arrived.  Stop in for a large selection or order one the way you want it.
Simply Amish adds OKAW branded Poly Lumber Outdoor FurnitureSimply Amish Polylumber Adirondack chairs
New Swivel chair from Best Home FurnishingsSwivel Chair Best Home Furnishings
We have " Made in PA" solid wood dining room furniture b... We are your best source for products made in the USA and several that are made in PA.  Zimmerman Chair Co. has been building chairs (the...
New Pineknotter Brewing in Northumberland PaWe are so proud of Tread Fisher and his family for creating Pineknotter Brewing in Northumberland Pa.  Tread has worked at Benjamin T. M...